Tag: Fitness Tips

Avoid These 11 Common Indoor Cycling Mistakes

Indoor cycling isn’t as complicated a workout as, say, weightlifting or calisthenics

Pat Crawley Pat Crawley

How to Treat and Prevent Painful Foot Blisters

No pain, no gain? Not when it comes to blisters. These small

Pat Crawley Pat Crawley

How Much Muscle Can You Gain in a Month?

Want to know how to identify a fitness pro who’s knowledgeable and trustworthy? Ask them how

Pat Crawley Pat Crawley

What Is Sweat Made of?

If you’re dripping in sweat after a workout, you know it’s time

Pat Crawley Pat Crawley

3 Reasons Why You Should Try Training Barefoot

A supportive pair of shoes is the first item on most lists

Pat Crawley Pat Crawley

Is Working Out Twice a Day Helping or Hurting Your Goals?

If you’re chasing specific fitness results, you may wonder whether working out

Pat Crawley Pat Crawley

“Ass to Grass” or 90 Degrees? Here's How Low You Should Be Squatting

Whether you’re loading a barbell on your back, racking a kettlebell over your shoulder,

Pat Crawley Pat Crawley

Sumo Vs. Conventional Deadlift: What Are the Differences?

In the health and fitness space, there are a number of fearsome

Pat Crawley Pat Crawley

You Can Do a Muscle-Up. Here's How

Unless you’re already a trained gymnast, bar muscle-ups are one of the

Pat Crawley Pat Crawley

How to Train Type 1 Muscle Fibers for Greater Endurance

If your goal is to PR a marathon, climb a mountain, or

Pat Crawley Pat Crawley